Can I Sue If I’m Injured Because of Negligent Security in California?
Victims of crime often suffer an injury at the hands of their perpetrators. Though the criminal is responsible for their decision to break the law and victimize an innocent person, they may not be the only party paying for the crime. California law creates a duty for property owners, landlords, and managers to keep both residents and guests safe while on the premises. One key method of upholding that duty is by installing and maintaining security measures. Common methods include:
- Installing adequate lighting and keeping it functional
- Securing entryways
- Installing door locks
- Putting up security cameras
- Installing alarm systems
- Hiring security guards
If these measures are not installed or maintained properly, crime may result. If injuries occur during the crime, this can constitute negligence and render the property owner, landlord, or manager liable for the victim’s damages.
Common Security Breaches
Common ways that landlords, managers, and owners may breach their duty to keep people on their property safe include:
- Poor, nonexistent, or broken surveillance systems;
- Broken windows and locks;
- Inadequate or nonfunctional lighting;
- Insufficient, improperly screened, or poorly trained security personnel;
- Lack of security measures at building entryways
Liability for Assault and Battery Injuries
In California, victims of assault and battery on a property may also render the party controlling it liable for the victim’s damages. Owners, landlords, and managers have a duty to take reasonable measures to ensure guests and residents aren’t at risk of foreseeable crimes. Additionally, failing to warn of known criminal activity may breach the duty of care legally owed. Premises liability may arise if a victim’s injury can be linked to negligent security. For example, a shopping center operator aware of a recent increase in lot break-ins or muggings in their parking lot has the duty to take steps such as adding extra security patrols, posting notices in the lot, adding additional lighting or replacing broken lighting, or other appropriate steps to protect their patrons.
Speak to an Attorney
If you or a loved one were injured as the result of negligent security, you should contact the experienced California premises liability attorneys at Daneshrad Law to ensure you are taking the right steps to recover from your physical and emotional injuries as well as protect the strength of your claim for compensation. and look after your health. Attorney Alan Daneshrad has years of experience advising and representing injury victims like you; he has recovered millions of dollars in compensation for their injuries. The attorneys at Daneshrad Law have the skill, knowledge, and resources you want when deciding on an attorney to fight for the compensation you deserve. Call us toll-free at (888) 881-3529 to schedule a no-risk, no-obligation case evaluation today. The initial consultation is free, and you pay nothing until we win your case. Let us evaluate the facts of your unique case, answer your questions, and start working to get the best outcome for you from a bad situation today.
(*For Informational purposes only. Not intended as legal advice)