Here is a step-by-step process on how to find out if someone has car insurance. This article will show you everything from the initial steps to your final results!
In an at-fault state like California, the negligent driver is required to provide compensation to the victim. This compensation would come from the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
The at-fault driver should provide the victim their insurance information in the event of a car accident. This can be obtained by the police or freely provided by both parties.
California law requires all drivers to own auto insurance that would cover any injuries, wrongful death, and property damage they would cause because of negligence.
Insurance Research Council published a report showing the percentage of uninsured drivers for each state. The figure below shows the 2019 population report of uninsured motorists.
- Mississippi – 29.4% uninsured drivers
- Michigan – 25.5% uninsured drivers
- Tennessee – 23.7% uninsured drivers
- New Mexico – 21.8% uninsured drivers
- California – 16.6% uninsured drivers
This data shows the top 4 states with an uninsured driver as compared to California. California placed 10th spot in the said report.
Car accidents could cause life-threatening and permanent injuries. This could affect the victim’s ability to enjoy his life. In a worst-case scenario, a car accident could also lead to wrongful death.
Listed here are some of the most common injuries sustained by a car collision victim:
- Traumatic brain injuries: Traumatic brain injuries occur when a violent force strikes a victim’s head. This injury could lead to severe complications. A victim may lose or alter some of his brain function because of this injury. Here are some of the most common signs and symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury:
- Blurred Vision
- Sensitivity to Sound
- Sensitivity to Light
- Ringing in Ears
- Loss of Balance
- Clumsiness
- Dropping of items
- Sensory Loss
- Lethargy
- Headaches
- Dazed or confused
- Nausea
- Fatigued
- More irritable
- More prone to violence
- Having trouble orienting yourself to reality
- Hypersensitive
- Having difficulty planning
- Exhibiting poor judgment
- Experiencing slowed reaction/thinking time
- Losing interest in people, relationships, activities
- Lacking motivation
- More withdrawn/anti-social
- Experiencing a loss of appetite
- Spinal cord injuries: Spinal cord injuries in a car accident happen due to the extreme external trauma received by the victim’s back. Damage to the spinal cord could cause temporary or permanent loss of body function.
- Depending on which region of the spinal cord is affected, a victim could lose their senses, bodily regulation loss, ability to move certain body parts, involuntary functions, and total body paralysis.
- Fractures: Broken bone is a commonly sustained injury from a car accident. However, total fractures can be fatal to the victim’s life. There are several options known today that can correct a fracture.
- Soft-tissue injury: Soft-tissue injuries are caused by external pressure. This could be due to a high-impact fall. The common types of soft-tissue damage are acute sprain, strain, or contusion. Generally, these injuries are minor and could be easily managed with the proper treatment.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder: Post-traumatic stress disorder is a serious psychological condition following a severe motor vehicle accident.
- This is an anxiety disorder caused by a serious injury, near-death experience, or physical and mental threat. A victim would experience mentally re-visiting the accident or having intrusive thoughts.
- A Post-traumatic stress disorder patient would try to avoid a situation that is familiar to the accident—in this case, riding a car or seeing a car. They will also be more avoidant due to the emotional numbness caused by this condition.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder hinders a victim’s way of enjoying life. Post-traumatic stress disorder could also cause the secondary development of other psychological conditions such as depression or bipolar disorder.
These are just some of the many physical and mental damages a car accident could cause.
A victim is entitled to compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance company for these physical and mental damages. They can also seek compensation for any lost wages caused by the event.
In the case of wrongful death, the victim’s family or loved one can request monetary compensation for the death of their family member.
This is why all drivers must have auto insurance coverage. Insurance coverage would help the victim get their life back after an accident.
When you are the victim of a car accident event, you must get the at-fault driver’s insurance information so you can seek appropriate compensation for your injuries.
Here are some helpful steps on how to find out if someone has car insurance.
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The easiest and more direct way of obtaining a driver’s insurance information is by asking them. In the event of a car accident, both parties would willingly offer to exchange this information.
The other driver would also want to file an accident claim to get compensation for their damages. They will try to obtain your auto insurance information if they are going to make an accident claim.
You would want to obtain specific information from their insurance, such as the driver’s name, name of the insurance company, and policy number.
If it is possible, try to get photographic evidence of the insurance card of the car owner. This also serves as solid evidence when filing for a personal injury claim.
If the other driver remains uncooperative and refuses to provide their own insurance information, don’t fret. Let the police get it for you.
In a hit-and-run accident, it is impossible to speak with the other driver personally. This is why you must get the other driver’s license plate number.
The responding police can run a plate number lookup to identify the perpetrator correctly.
After a car accident, it is crucial to call the attention of the police so they can properly document the event.
The responding police would need to verify the identity of both drivers and if they have the necessary qualifications to drive a car.
A police accident report would need to include both driver’s personal information, contact information, and driver’s license.
They would also need to get both party’s insurance information for proper documentation.
Suppose the other driver remains uncooperative and refuses to provide their insurance information. You can request a copy of the responding authority’s at-fault driver’s insurance information.
In a hit-and-run event, you need to get the driver’s plate number. A police officer can run a plate number search to get information about the car that hit you.
This information includes the driver’s registered contact number. If they have car insurance, you can also request a copy of their insurance information.
Sometimes a driver can get unreasonable and refuse to provide their insurance information. Suppose you failed to obtain the at-fault driver’s insurance information this way, or you could not get a copy of the police report. In that case, there is still a way to get this vital piece of information.
You can contact your local DMV or the Department of Motor Vehicles. The DMV handles a driver’s registration and licensing procedure. The Department of Motor Vehicles differs in each state.
The DMV can perform a driver lookup since they have a massive database containing all the necessary information of a registered driver.
The Department of Motor Vehicles also possesses the other driver’s insurance information if they have any.
If the DMV could identify the other driver, they can provide you with the driver’s insurance company details.
In addition, you can also identify if the at-fault driver has the necessary qualifications to own and drive a car.
However, if you try to get the information this way, you need to provide a valid reason. The DMV can still deny your request if they deem the reason unacceptable. The said department is still responsible for protecting the information of all registered drivers.
In a car accident and a hit and run accident, the injured victim has a valid reason to get a copy of the offending driver.
Suppose the only information you could gather is the other driver’s insurance company name. In that case, you can give their insurance company a call.
Their insurance company can give you more information about the other driver’s insurance. They can provide auto insurance coverage details if the damage you sustain qualifies for a personal injury claim or an accident claim.
However, you should only speak with insurance companies if you have a car accident lawyer on your side.
Insurance companies may offer you a settlement claim that is much lower than you can get from the damages you received. Your lawyer can provide a case evaluation to assess the fair amount of compensation you deserve.
Despite California’s strict law requiring car insurance for all registered drivers, some people still drive around the state without this.
Driving without insurance in California could cost a driver his license, and his vehicle might get impounded.
California mandates all its drivers to produce proof of insurance coverage when requested by an authority.
Driving without insurance in California has a corresponding violation. The first conviction would cost the driver a penalty of $100 to $250 plus penalty assessment. Suppose a driver is caught driving without insurance for a second time. In that case, they could face a $250 to $500 penalty and an additional penalty assessment. Both convictions have a possibility of car impounding.
The additional penalty assessment fees in California can be a tricky thing to understand. The penalty assessments are as follows;
- Additional $10 fee for every $10 or part of $10 of your fine
- Additional $7 fee for every $10 or part of $10 of your fine
- Additional $5 fee for every $10 or part of $10 of your fine
- Additional $1 fee for every $10 or part of $10 of your fine
- Additional $4 fee for every $10 or part of $10 of your fine
- Additional $2 fee for every $10 or part of $10 of your fine
To put in a simpler term, for every $10 of your fine, you can receive a total of $29 as an additional penalty assessment fee. This can quickly make your $100 fine jump up to $390.
However, the penalty assessment fees vary from where you reside.
Some places would elect only a few of these penalty assessments to be effective. Each of these penalty assessments has a law supporting them.
If an uninsured driver has hit you, it is vital to call the police as soon as possible. They can function as a qualified witness that the driver is driving without liability insurance.
Since the at-fault driver does not have car accident insurance, you must file a personal injury claim with your own insurance company.
Photographic evidence, a copy of the police report, and witness testimonies could help process your claim request faster.
A hit-and-run accident can make it hard for the victim to place liability on the offender. A victim can be too disoriented after the incident and might not get the other driver’s license plate number.
Hit-and-run accidents are usually covered by auto insurance companies. However, it might differ from where the victim lives.
It is important to discuss this with your insurance agent so you can get a good idea of what are the coverages for a hit-and-run accident.
Car insurance companies usually cover several hit-and-run accidents. These are the known coverages of an insurance company for a hit-and-run incident:
- Collision: An insurance company can cover for any damages caused by a crash. This coverage does not consider the factor of liability. The annual average insurance rate is $299.
- Uninsured driver coverage: You qualify for this compensation if the at-fault driver does not have auto insurance. The annual average insurance rate is less than $100.
- Medical bills coverage: Regardless of who was at fault in the accident, this coverage would cover any damages you sustained. The annual average insurance remains at less than $100.
- Personal injury coverage: This type of coverage includes compensation for any economic damages like medical bills and lost wages. The annual average insurance is still at less than $100.
This insurance coverage can save you from spending a vast amount of money on auto repair and medical expenses.
Sometimes, it might go over your head and forget if your car insurance is still active. It is essential to know if you have existing active insurance for your vehicle before an accident occurs.
Accidents happen at the most unexpected time. Your only protection is your proactiveness to check if your car still has active auto insurance coverage.
Here are some steps you can take to check the validity of your car insurance:
- Check your insurance account’s validity online. Most insurance companies have a website dedicated for their members to check their active coverage.
- You can call your current agent to verify if your auto insurance coverage is still valid. Your auto insurance agent can check your policy’s effectivity date and duration.
- Communicate with your insurance company to validate your existing policy. Regularly checking up with your insurance representative can give you a good idea if your car insurance is still active or if it’s near the expiry date.
- Most insurance companies include the policy’s eligibility start date and eligibility end date in their insurance cards. Check your car insurance card. It might contain the information you need.
- For borrowed cars, it is essential to confirm with the car owner if their vehicle is insured. If possible, get the basic car insurance information for your security.
If you are having a hard time remembering when you last paid for your auto insurance, follow the steps above to ensure that you have working car insurance.
Non-car owners who regularly rent a car can still obtain car insurance. This is called non-owner or non-driver insurance.
This type of insurance covers only the required types of coverage for your state of residence. This is ideal for people who regularly rent a car or drives a vehicle that does not belong to anyone from their household.
Insurance should not only be treated as a requirement. Liability insurance can provide a sense of security that you can still rely on something that can help you with your finances despite a tragic event.
At this point, we already established the importance of insurance information. We already know that auto insurance coverage is essential for both drivers at an accident.
In an accident, both drivers will provide statements that they are the victim. Insurance information lets you know that the other driver has the financial capability to shoulder any liabilities following the accident.
Other than a car collision, here are some of the situations where car insurance information is needed:
Borrowing or Lending a car from a friend or family member: When borrowing a car from someone, it is vital to have their car’s insurance information. Likewise, if you lend a car to someone, you need to provide your car’s insurance information.
In the event of a car accident, the policy owner of the at-fault car is liable for any damages. If the driver of your vehicle does not have accident insurance, the responsibility falls upon you.
However, if it is proven that the other driver caused the collision, then they are responsible for collision damages.
During a divorce: It is essential to notify the insurance company of any changes in auto insurance ownership. When both couples separate, they would need to get their own auto insurance.
This would prevent taking liability when your former spouse gets into an accident. However, suppose the insurer is still paying for the auto insurance of their former spouse. In that case, they should provide their updated contact information to notify the other party when the insurer stops paying.
This would prevent an unwanted event of finding out that your spouse terminated your auto insurance coverage after an accident.
If both spouses have children, they should include the child’s name in the insurance policy of the car they will be driving.
Owning a small business: If the primary movement of your small business requires driving a car for transportation, you should require your employees to have auto insurance.
The liability for the damages would fall on the at-fault driver. But since the car is operating for business, the small business owner’s auto insurance information is also needed.
Personal auto insurance or the driver’s auto insurance may not be enough to cover the damages. A Business Vehicle Insurance would have enough coverage to compensate for any damages caused while the car operates in a business matter.
Driving to and from school: Governing school administrators should require proof of auto insurance from both parents or the responsible chaperone.
This would provide information that both parents can shoulder liability if they or their children are at fault in a car-related accident.
In an accident caused by a negligent driver, it is essential to have an aggressive car injury attorney who will take in your case. An effective personal injury lawyer will represent your party to the best of his effort.
Our lawyer at Daneshrad Law, PC, has extensive experience standing up against insurance companies. We stop at nothing until you receive the maximum amount of compensation you deserve.
Alan Daneshrad is an experienced and well-regarded lawyer in the field of personal injury law. He handles a variety of personal injury cases.
This includes but is not limited to Car Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Premises Liability, and Wrongful death.
Alan believes that the cases he handles are his cause. This is why he will fight for each client as he would with his own family.
He upholds the attorney-client relationship and guarantees that they will get the best possible outcome for their cases.
He also has notable recognitions from the field of law and legal defense. He was awarded as the Super Lawyers Rising Star from 2014-2018. This rare award is given exclusively to the top 2.5% of lawyers in South California.
Alan Daneshrad is also a member of the State Bar of California, American Bar Association, and Beverly Hills Bar Association. He is also admitted to the Supreme Court of the United States, California Supreme Court, and U.S. Tax Court.
Our California-based law firm offers a free consultation for your case. We operate on a contingency basis. This means that you will only need to pay us after we successfully recover compensation for your case.
Contact us at (888) 881-3529 for a case evaluation. You can also fill up our online form on our website. You can check our ‘Practice Areas’ page for further information about the different personal injury cases we handle.