Safety Tips to Help Pedestrians Avoid Crosswalk Accidents
Even though pedestrian accidents account for a relatively small amount of the total accidents motor vehicles are involved in annually, they can be devastating and even fatal for the pedestrian involved. An individual involved in a pedestrian accident is far more prone to suffering catastrophic injury or death in large part due to the size disparity between a person and a vehicle as well as the lack of structural protection for pedestrians as compared to a vehicle occupant. Here are some important tips to help pedestrians understand how to avoid these accidents for their own personal safety as well as for liability reasons if one occurs.
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Using Crosswalks
An important way to prevent accidents is using marked crosswalks as often as possible; marked crosswalks usually display solid white lines from one sidewalk to another located on the other side of an intersection. Traffic signals or stop signs may or may not be present, but generally, drivers are more aware of crosswalks here than in other locations. Crossing the road anywhere besides a crosswalk, “jaywalking,” is prohibited in California. This means pedestrians would likely be partly to blame for an accident outside a crosswalk.
California’s traffic laws require drivers to stop before a crosswalk if one is present at an intersection with a stop sign or red light and to yield to pedestrians entering or present in a crosswalk. However, the driver’s obligation to yield does not relieve a pedestrian of their duty of care for their own safety – pedestrians are prohibited from suddenly leaving a curb or place of safety to enter the path of a vehicle close enough to be considered an immediate hazard. Pedestrians also may not unnecessarily stop or delay traffic in a mark or unmarked crosswalk.
Follow Traffic Signals
If a pedestrian sees a crossing signal in an intersection, it’s crucial to follow its directions. “Walk” and “Don’t Walk” signs found at crosswalks work in tandem with traffic lights to dictate when vehicles traveling a certain direction may proceed. Following traffic signal instructions makes it easier to avoid collision with vehicles. Pedestrians can be at-fault for an accident for walking against the signal.
Increase Visibility
Pedestrians need to ensure they are visible if walking during the evening – even in well-lit locations and when using marked crosswalks. Light or reflective clothing can help increase visibility to drivers, as can holding a flashlight or other light source.
Speak to a Lawyer
Pedestrians are especially vulnerable when accidents occur, so it’s important to take proper precautions and practice safe behavior when they leave the house. If you are hurt in an accident while walking, contact the skilled California Pedestrian Accident Attorneys at Daneshrad Law for help navigating this difficult time. We understand the serious nature of these accidents and will use our knowledge and resources to aggressively represent you and secure the best result possible. Alan Daneshrad has years of experience representing victims like you and will make sure your case has the individual attention it deserves. Call us 24/7 at (888) 881-3529 to schedule a free initial case consultation today. Let us review your case, answer your questions, and help you get the compensation you deserve.