What Does Bad Faith Insurance in California Mean?
If you’ve been involved in a car accident in the Golden State, you have every right to expect that your expensive auto insurance policy should step in and do the right thing. However, unfortunately it’s all too common to discover that even after paying expensive premiums to stay covered your insurer starts fighting to deny you coverage you’ve already paid for.
Even though your insurance company has a covenant in your insurance policy contract to deal with you in good faith and treat you fairly, the evasive, sneaky, inappropriate actions they often take are strong evidence of bad faith. It’s important to be aware of the signs your insurer is acting in bad faith and take action to avoid being railroaded into a low settlement or even denied your insurance claim altogether. If you have questions about dealing with your insurance company after a car accident, contact an experienced California car accident attorney today.
Signs of Bad Faith
It’s important to recognize behavior showing your insurance company may be trying to take advantage of you. If you notice any of these common signs, speak up immediately.
- Offering Settlements Immediately – insurers will throw money out quickly in hope you don’t learn how much you’re owed through an investigation.
- Stalling – can be used to delay responding to you until the statute of limitations has run and you can’t bring a claim. It can also be used to manipulate victims into dire financial straits, so they settle cheaply.
- Disputing Medical Bills, Auto Repairs, and Other Expenses – it’s common for insurers to tell you some expenses aren’t covered or tell you to stop taking medications or undergoing therapy to keep their costs down or say you aren’t as badly hurt as you initially claimed.
- Denying Some or All Liability – insurers commonly blame you or arbitrarily deny some or all of your claim.
- Sneaky Tactics – insurance companies will try to trick you into admitting fault, giving recorded statements, waiving your right to a lawyer, or giving them access to your entire medical history including pre-existing conditions.
Speak to a California Car Accident Attorney Today!
Car accidents are difficult enough to deal with even before an insurance company tries to give you the runaround. Contact the skilled California Car Accident Attorneys at Daneshrad Law today to make sure you get the compensation you deserve and are treated fairly by your insurer. Attorney Alan Daneshrad has years of experience providing dedicated representation for victims and delivering results; we’ve recovered millions of dollars in damages. Call us at (310) 858-8239 or toll free at (888) 881-3529 to schedule a free initial case consultation. Let us evaluate your case and work hard to get you the best possible results in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, and throughout California.