What Should I Know About Burn Injuries?
Burn injuries are more common than many people know, but no less serious no matter their cause. Each year, 1.1 million burn injuries in the United States require medical care, and close to 14,500 people die from burns and burn-related infections. Burns have many causes, but unfortunately many are due to another person, an employer, a property owner, or a manufacturer’s negligence. If you’ve been injured, you may be entitled to compensation for injuries you sustained as a result of being burned. Below are a few key facts to know about burn injuries in California.
Types and Degrees of Burns
Even though burns are usually associated with fire, there are many other manners in which these injuries occur. It’s not unusual to see burns from:
- Scalding liquid
- Radiation exposure
- Friction
- Electricity
- Hot surfaces
- Chemicals
Among people admitted to burn centers, fire and flames are the most common burns making up 43 percent of admissions, followed by scalding burns at 34 percent.
Burns are classified by degrees ranging from first to fourth. The higher the degree of burn, the more damage done and the more serious it is. First-degree burns damage the outer skin layer only and usually heal in a matter of days. Second degree burns damage the outer layer of skin and may damage all other layers as well. Depending on the depth, there may be blistering, pain, and numbness, and the burn may take weeks to heal or, if serious, require skin grafts. Third-degree burns destroy all layers of the skin and damage underlying tissue. These may take months to heal and often require skin grafts. Fourth-degree burns destroy all layers of skin and tissue and extend into a victim’s muscle and even bone.
Can I Recover for My Injuries If I Sustained the Burn at Home?
Whether your burns were the result of a house fire, contact, or other cause, you may be able to recover compensation if your injures were due to another’s negligence. Though some burns may be sustained by simple carelessness or an accident like losing your grip on a boiling pot of water, some circumstances may render others liable for burn injuries. For example, house fires can start due to:
- Defective appliances
- Faulty wiring
- Poor construction work by a contractor or builder
- Propane appliances
- Negligent work by your repairman
Speak to a California Burn Injuries Attorney
If you or a loved one suffered a burn injury, you know firsthand how it can turn your life upside down in an instant. To protect your rights and put your best foot forward in your case for compensation, contact the experienced California burn injury attorneys at Daneshrad Law so you can focus on your physical and emotional recovery. Attorney Alan Daneshrad has years of experience representing injury victims like you and has recovered millions in compensation for their injuries. The attorneys at Daneshrad Law have the knowledge, skill, and resources you want handling your case. Call us toll-free at (888) 881-3529 to schedule a no-obligation, risk-free initial case review today. The consultation is free, and you pay nothing until we win your case. Let us evaluate your unique case and help you get the recovery you deserve.
(*For Informational purposes only. Not intended as legal advice)